Her Space

ReCharkha and HerSpace: A Shared Vision HerSpace aligns closely with reCharkha’s mission, sharing a dedication to uplifting women artisans and promoting sustainable practices. Both platforms are committed to creating meaningful livelihoods for women, fostering financial independence, and championing eco-conscious consumerism. HerSpace’s vision of becoming an online marketplace for premium products made by women artisans from across India beautifully complements reCharkha’s approach. By showcasing reCharkha’s upcycled and handcrafted products, HerSpace helps bring these sustainable, socially impactful creations to a global audience, furthering the cause of both environmental conservation and women’s empowerment. The UPCYCLED-HANDCRAFTED fabric created from waste plastic is transformed into consumer products such as handbags, fashion accessories, office utilities, games, and home decor items, making each product a symbol of sustainability and empowerment. The “Charkha” was once a symbol of India’s independence, representing self-reliance during the Swadeshi movement. In line with this tradition, reCharkha uses the Charkha and Handloom to upcycle waste plastic into handcrafted fabric, embodying the spirit of handmade, handspun, and sustainable living. The reCharkha logo, featuring a tribal woman spinning her wheel, not only symbolizes this process but also affirms our commitment to promoting a circular economy. Together, reCharkha and HerSpace are building a future where traditional skills are preserved, waste is transformed into art, and women artisans are celebrated and supported in their journey toward self-reliance and sustainability.

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