Her Space

Sirohi’s story resonates deeply with me, echoing both my own experiences in Papua New Guinea and the concerns of Sirohi’s founder about the financial dependence that traps so many women. In Papua New Guinea, I witnessed women working hard despite their limited skills, only to have their earnings taken away by their husbands. This dependence fosters cycles of violence and helplessness, leaving both Sirohi’s founder and me questioning how we can make a meaningful difference. Sirohi’s mission is a powerful response to these struggles, built on three pillars: empowering women, upskilling women, and recycling women’s crafts. These pillars represent sustainable and impactful ways one woman can uplift another, offering not just income but dignity and independence. The women of Sirohi are breaking social barriers, using traditional charpai and macrame weaving to create beautiful, modern products for global consumers. With each piece they craft, they carve out a space for themselves in a world that often overlooks them. Over 150 women have found a new sense of purpose through Sirohi, transforming their lives and the lives of those around them. HerSpace shares this ambition—to create an online marketplace that showcases the finest products made by women artisans from India to globally conscious buyers. Like Sirohi, we believe in the power of women helping women, in the ripple effect that one empowered woman can have on her community and beyond. By supporting Sirohi, we support a movement where women lift each other up, break free from the chains of financial dependence, and create a future filled with hope and possibility.

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